Tips for Healthy, Glowing Skin

There are many things you can do to help nourish and maintain glowing skin. Here are a few easy ways to help support healthy, glowing skin.


Have you ever looked in the mirror after a night of poor sleep? We all know what the skin around our eyes looks like when we haven’t slept enough! Most adults need 8 hours of sleep, but only 6 out of 10 Australians are getting enough.[1]


The majority of Australians do not have adequate fluid intake, including water.[ii] While individual requirements vary depending on climate and activity, it may be healthier to drink before feeling thirsty.2 Choosing water instead of drinks with added sugar or alcohol is a more healthful choice.[iii]


The sun’s UV rays can damage or age skin, even in the absence of a burn. Consider using a daily moisturiser with SPF 30 or above. As you spend more time outdoors in warmer weather, be sure to apply sunscreen before going out, and reapply every two hours as needed.[iv]

Healthy Diet

Many vitamins and minerals can be helpful for healthy skin, in addition to overall health. The best way to ensure proper intake is to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in assorted colours.1 Vitamins C and E are particularly beneficial for your skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps grow and repair healthy tissue. It also helps stimulate the body to make collagen.[v] Good sources of vitamin C include citrus, tomatoes, broccoli, and capsicum.[vi] Vitamin E is also an antioxidant and helps maintain skin health. Good sources include vegetable oils, leafy greens, and nuts.[vii]


Collagen is the most plentiful protein in the body. It is needed for the structure of connective tissue like bones, cartilage, and especially skin, where it helps provide structure, elasticity, and moisture. Levels of collagen begin to fall around age 30, which may cause skin to dry and develop wrinkles.[viii] Supplementing collagen, in bone broth and supplements, may help replace what is naturally lost.[ix]

Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to skin moisture and helps maintain skin health.[i]

Omega 3s

Omega 3 fatty acids contribute to skin moisture and help protect against signs of ageing. They may also help soothe sensitive skin.[ii]

[i] Oregon State University. Vitamin E and skin health [Internet]. Linus Pauling Institute. 2012–2020 [cited 25 October 2020]. Available from:

[ii] Oregon State University. Essential fatty acids and skin health [Internet]. Linus Pauling Institute. 2012–2020 [cited 25 October 2020]. Available from:


[1] Health Direct. Healthy sleep habits [Internet]. 2019 [cited 28 October 2020]. Available from:

[ii] Sui Z, Zheng M, Zhang M, et al. Water and beverage consumption: analysis of the Australian 2011–2012 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey. Nutrients. 2016; 8(11):678.

[iii]Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council, Department of Health and Ageing. Eat for health. Australian dietary guidelines. 2013 [cited 28 October 2020]. Available from:

[iv] Australian Government, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency. Sun protection using sunscreens [Internet]. 2020 [Cited 28 October 2020]. Available from:

[v] Pullar JM, Carr AC, Vissers MCM. The roles of vitamin C in skin health. Nutrients. 2017; 9(8):866.

[vi] Health Direct. Vitamin C [Internet]. 2020 [cited 28 October 2020]. Available from:

[vii] Health Direct. Vitamin E [Internet]. 2020 [cited 28 October 2020]. Available from:

[viii] León-López A, Morales-Peñaloza A, Martínez-Juárez VM, et al. Hydrolyzed collagen-sources and applications. Molecules. 2019; 24(22):4031.

[ix] Lupu MA, Gradisteanu Pircalabioru G, Chifiriuc MC, et al. Beneficial effects of food supplements based on hydrolyzed collagen for skin care (Review). Exp Ther Med. 2020; 20(1):12-17.